Doesn't deserve you (G)

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For: JustMyTypeBrad 


"George! So glad you made it." you beam as you open your front door, pulling him into a hug.

Your group of friends take it in turns to throw a game night each Friday as none of you really like to go out. This week, it just so happened to be your turn so you invited the boys over as well as your own friends, and your boyfriend.

"I brought brownies." George smiles as he watches your face light up. You gratefully take them from his hands and lead him into the living room where everyone is situated. George was last to arrive so Reece was busy setting up the first game of the night.

You take a seat next to your boyfriend, Ryan, and laugh nervously when he puts his arm around your shoulders. Inviting him was probably a bad idea; George hates his guts.

Panic sets in when you realise the only seat left for George to take is next to Ryan, so you quickly make Ryan move up so George can sit next to you instead.

"Hello George." Ryan smirks, knowing it will wind your best friend up. You send him an angered glare, already regretting having him over while your friends are here and he holds his hands up in defence.

"Dickhead." George mumbles under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear. A snort erupts involuntarily from your mouth at his remark and George grins at his own behaviour. Quickly, that grin disappears when Ryan stands up.

"What did you just say to me?" he raises an eyebrow angrily.

"Oh nothing," George smiles innocently. "Just said exactly what you are."

"You piece of sh-"

You stand up and cut Ryan off before a fight breaks out, and lead him to your front door.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have invited you over while George is here. You should leave." you frown, watching as your boyfriend scowls in the direction of your living room where your friends are laughing and congratulating George.

"I should leave?" Ryan scoffs in disbelief.

You nod. "You started it. I'll call you later."

Ryan rolls his eyes but walks out of the front door anyway, flinching slightly as you close it quickly behind him. Turning the lock so he can't get back in to finish what he started, you sigh in relief before making your way back to your friends.

"Sorry about that." George apologises before you reach the door. He's stood in the kitchen pouring himself a drink, so you lean against the door frame.

"It's okay. I know you don't like him and he deserved it for trying to wind you up." you shrug.

George sighs. "You're right, I don't like him. He is a dickhead and he doesn't deserve you Y/n. You're too good for him."

You were shocked to say the least at what had just come out of George's mouth. You love him but he doesn't have the right to comment on who you should or shouldn't be with.

"You just don't know him like I do." you defend, starting to feel dull anger build up inside of you.

"Really?" George huffs. "He doesn't open doors for you, forgets about your birthday, is rude to your friends and family, and let's not forget the time he literally shoved you to the ground because he wasn't getting his way. But sure, I don't know him like you do, so I'll just sit back and watch the girl I love be played by a total douche!"

The room is engulfed in silence as you both realised what George just said in his outburst.

"You love me?" your voice comes out in a whisper, confused with what just happened.

"Yeah, I do. And I know you love him so I think I'll just leave now. Thank you for the games night." he excuses himself.

As he walks past you, you grab onto his arm to stop him from going anywhere. Hesitantly, you press your lips to his cheek before letting him go.

"I love you too George."

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