Love (B)

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For: ExtremeStoryLover

italics are flashbacks!!


You're sat on the soft cushions on top of the windowsill of yours and Blake's shared home, coffee in hand. You look out of the window, the peaceful sound of rain sounding amazing accompanied by Blake's strumming on his guitar.

Rainy days are your favourite. You get to wear your boyfriend's hoodies and listen to him sing all day long. What isn't to like?

The cup of coffee warms your hands through the hoodie's sleeves which are up to your fingers, and it reminds you of the first time you and Blake met.

"Is this seat taken?" a voice makes you look up from your work. Looking around, you realise the voice was talking to you as your eyes land on probably the prettiest man you've ever seen.

"No, take it." you smile, happy to be in his company. Work is extremely stressful at the moment, so deciding to work from home, or in your case, the coffee shop down the road, was the best decision you've ever made.

"Sorry, it's so busy in here. Didn't really want to sit with all of the grumpy business men." he chuckles, the sound being music to your ears.

"Don't apologise! It's okay, really. I'm glad you're not a grumpy business man." you joke, taking a sip of your coffee.

"How do you know I'm not a grumpy business man?" the boy smirks.

"Well, for starters you're carrying a guitar. Secondly, you're just about the friendliest person I've come across all day. So I don't think you're grumpy or a business man."

You can't help but grin at having his company. He'd cheered you up straight away and you didn't even know his name yet.

"Damn, you got me." he laughs, "I'm Blake."


You can't help but keep your eyes on the man you love, admiring how his hair is a little too long because it keeps falling down onto his face while he's trying to scribbling something down. How his face is full of concentration as he works, how his beautiful voice fills the room and makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world.

"You're staring." Blake grins, looking up from his sheet of music that he's working on to shoot you a smile, knowing how much you love to watch him work.

"Sorry, can't help it." you giggle, tucking up your knees when he stands up and walks over to your spot at the window.

His hand tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear, then cups your cheek. "What's going on in your head? I could almost hear it whizzing around from over there."

"Just thinking about the first time we met," you start, placing your now empty mug on the floor so you can give Blake your full attention. "And how in love with you I am."

Blake's smile only grows wider at your words and he kneels up beside the windowsill so he's at your height.

"I'm so in love with you too." he whispers, pulling you in gently by the back of your neck, his mouth hovering over yours for a second. The second your lips touch you know you've got this right, and that this will last a lifetime.

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