Bully (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: no one

disclaimer: we all know none of the boys would be like this - i wrote this one two years ago and have no clue what was going through my mind lol


"Oh look, it's the piece of shit." Blake snickered, shoving you against the classroom door.

You groan in pain and start to walk away, not wanting to deal with their constant insults.

"Where do you think you're going?" Reece yells and grabs your arm, his fingernails digging into your skin, making you hiss at the feeling.

"Get off me Reece!" you say through gritted teeth.

"No." he smirks, getting a high five from Blake. What are these idiots?

You try to yank yourself out of his grasp, only for his grip to tighten.

"You aren't going anywhere y/n." Blake laughs like some madman.

"Get off of her." some guy appears behind him. You recognise him straight away, you and George have been best friends since you were babies.

"How about, no." Reece snarls.

"I said, get off of her." George snaps. Reece and Blake burst out laughing so you take the opportunity to release yourself from Reece's grasp.

You slap him and run after George down the hallway, grinning at the payback he deserved.

"Are you okay?" He asks, concern in his eyes when you stop.

"I guess so. My wrist hurts but I'll survive." you sigh, gazing at the red handprint on your arm.

"Come on, you're coming to my house to rest for the day." George smiles, taking your hand and leading you to his car.

You climb inside and are glad when he turns on the heating. It's freezing outside.

"Do they do that to you often?" George asks, keeping his attention on the road.

"Sadly, yes. Everyday at school, without fail at least one of them hurts me. Today I was unlucky and got both I suppose." you shrug. It's become a normal thing for you so you're not really bothered about talking about it.

"From now on, you're staying by my side. You can't get hurt anymore." he shakes his head.

"Thank you." you smile.

George pulls up at his house and helps me climb out. When we're inside, he takes me upstairs to his room and turns on the TV.

"Chose a movie. I'll be back up with snacks."

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