Arguments (B)

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For: Kit_Riley


All you and Blake seem to have been doing recently is arguing. The smallest things could turn into not speaking for days, and your relationship felt like it was falling apart.

However, when you found out a couple of days ago how Blake had been lying to you, you'd lost it. You'd kicked him out of the house and forced him to stay with Reece or George while you cooled down. You'd found out that he was lying about recording with the boys, and was secretly going out for a drink with his mates.

Normally, you wouldn't mind him having a good time with his friends. In fact, that didn't bother you at all. It was the fact that he thought his girlfriend was 'too controlling' so lied straight to your face.

The lying was what hurt you the most. So, off he went two days ago in a huff with a big bag full of essentials off to Reece's.

He'd sent a few text messages and called a couple of times, but you hadn't really heard from him. You'd ignored all of his pleas anyway.

A knock on the front door makes your face light up. Finally, your food must be here. You grab the keys from the side, unlock the door and swing it open, ready to have a peaceful night in with your takeaway and favourite series.

Much to your disappointment, on your doorstep wasn't the food, it was Blake.

"Unless you've got my food, I don't care." You say bitterly, crossing your arms over your chest as you stand in the doorway.

"Just let me in, we need to talk." he sighs, picking up his bag and shoving past you anyway. You roll your eyes but follow him anyway, ready for what he's going to say.

"I'm fed up of all the arguing. It's stupid." he admits, taking a seat on the sofa while you stay stood in the doorway.

"Well, if you would stop lying to my face, we wouldn't have to have these stupid arguments." you roll your eyes again.

Blake's about to say something but the doorbell interrupts him before any words can leave his mouth. You open the door, thanking the guy for your food and start unpacking it in the kitchen.

You can feel Blake's presence behind you big you ignore it, grabbing a plate and sticking as much of the food as you think you can manage onto it.

Realising you ordered way too much for yourself, you grab another plate, dishing the food onto it and hand it to Blake.

"We might not be on the best of terms but I ordered too much so here." you sigh, fed up of the arguments too. If your peace offering wasn't enough, nothing would be.

"I came here to apologise." Blake starts, leaving the food untouched until he's finished speaking. "I've been an absolute idiot and I can't apologise enough. I want us to go back to how we were."

You decide to take the high ground and agree. Blake was owning up to his mistakes and you appreciated that.

"I do too. I just don't get why you don't trust me enough to tell me the truth B. I couldn't care less where you go and what you do as long as you aren't taking drugs or cheating." you explain, feeling his eyes glued to you as you do so.

"I get that now. I'm sorry." he apologises again, scooting over to you on the sofa and leaning his head on your shoulder. His gesture shocks you, but warms your heart at the same time.

"I'm sorry too." you smile, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Blake's head, happy you've got your man back.

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