Autumn (G)

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For: no one


"I just love Autumn." you smile, taking in your surroundings as you and George walk through the park.

"So do I. The leaves are always so pretty." George squeezes your hand.

"It's just a bit cold though." you laugh, your body shaking a little, teeth chattering.

George doesn't say anything, just pulls you closer to him as you carry on walking.

"When we go home I'll make a nice, hot drink for you and we can watch movies all day." he says, giving you a quick kiss.

As we carry on walking through the park you get colder and colder until you can't feel my hands anymore.

"Y/n! You're freezing! Come on let's go home." George exclaims.

You just nod, not being able to bring yourself to say anything. Your walking becomes slower the colder you get so it's not long until George picks you up from behind and carries you to the car.

He sets you down on the front seat and climbs in next to you, starting the car so the warm air comes through.

George starts to drive through the quiet streets and you start to warm up.

"You feeling warmer?" He asks.

"Yeah, thank you George." you take his hand and give it a light squeeze.

"Anything for you."

You pull up onto the drive and run to the front door, quickly unlocking it and walking into the warm, cosy house.

George shuts the door behind him and takes his coat off, hangs it up and walks into the kitchen.

You go into the living room and turn on the TV. You scroll through Netflix, trying to find a movie worth watching.

When you can't find any you start rummaging through George's DVD collections.

Your fingers stop when you find Star Wars. George has done a lot for you today so you might as well put his favourite film on.

George comes in with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hand, topped with cream and marshmallows.

"Star Wars marathon?" you ask and his face lights up.

"I'll take that as a yes then." you giggle. He sets the mugs on the coffee table as you insert the first film into the player.

As the start comes on you go and curl up next to George. He slings his arm around you and pulls you close.

"I love you so much y/n." he mutters into your hair.

"I love you too George." you giggle and rest your head on his shoulder.

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