Ice cream (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: zsofus0622


"Y/n!" your best friend, Savannah, snaps you out of your trance. "Can we go get ice cream?"

You decided to have a beach day today as it's summer and needed to get away for a while.

"Yeah sure." you stand from your previous position in the sand and grab your things, following your enthusiastic friend over to the kiosk.

You order your ice creams and you take out your card to pay.

"Sorry ladies. Cash only." the man behind the counter says, earning a groan from both you and Savannah as you both go digging in our bags for any change.

"I've got it!" a voice calls from behind you, placing the few coins into the man's hand. You turn to face your saviour and you're met with the most beautiful set of eyes staring into your own.

"Thank you." you smile at the stranger, taking your ice cream and stepping aside so he can place his order.

"I'm George."

George grabs two of the three ice creams he ordered, struggling to grab the last one.

"I'll get it." you smile, taking the final one, receiving a thank you from George. He leads you and Savannah over to the seafront wall where his two friends are sat and gives them the cones in his hand. You pass him his own as you feel a little bit drip onto your hand.

Without thinking, you wipe the ice cream off onto his cheek with a giggle. "Hey!"

"Sorry." you chuckle, immediately regretting your actions as George presses the tip of his ice cream onto your nose.

"Oh you'll pay for that!"

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