Tour (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: no one


"Y/n? It's your time to go on stage." your manager, Sarah, calls into your dressing room.

"Okay, thanks!" you sigh, really dreading this performance. You want it to go really well as it's the biggest show you've had so far in your singing career.

Your nerves have become really bad as you wait in anticipation backstage. You're on tour with a band called New Hope Club. You haven't met them yet because it's the first tour date but you think you'll cross paths soon.

Sarah passes you the microphone and you pause to take a deep breath. Feeling more confident, you run on stage.

"London!" you cheer, earning a few screams.

You start to sing the first song you ever wrote, the audience watching you intently. To your surprise, a couple of girls in the crowd know every single word. The rest are jumping about or filming, and you can't help but smile at the newfound support.

When you've finished you sing a cover of Shawn Mendes, life of the party, earning quite a few screams from the fellow Shawn fans.

"Thank you London!" you run off stage after singing a couple more songs. The screams and cheers are almost deafening, but you can't wipe the grin off your face. You were on top of the world.

As you turn around the corner you bump into one of the boys of New Hope Club.


"Y/n/n, please." you smile sweetly at the boy. He seemed to be a similar age to you. You'd seen pictures of them all before and you thought this one was Reece. Or maybe it was George? Or Blake?

"I'm Reece, it's nice to meet you. You were great out there!" he compliments, causing your smile to grow even wider.

"Thank you!"

"Well, the boys and I are about to go onstage so I'll see you later." he grins before walking over to the door. You wave at him as he slings his guitar over his shoulder. "Good luck!"

He sends you a thumbs up before running onto the stage where you were stood just moments before, the screams even more deafening.

You watch the boys perform from the balcony as they sing perfume.

"It's like I'm lying here next to you, trying to figure it out what you're all about, and I don't want to loose the smell of your perfume from my room." Reece sings and looks up at you, sending a heartwarming smile.

You go back into my dressing room and wait for Sarah to tell me what to do. Going onto Instagram, you realise you still don't follow the boys.

You click on Reece's profile and scroll down his photos, smiling at his cuteness. You'd taken quite a liking to him. It didn't help that you hadn't met the other two yet.

"Whatcha doing?" The man himself walks in, making you jump.

"Nothing!" you laugh and keep scrolling. Reece comes over and grabs your phone, peering down at the screen while you cross your arms at the fact you've been caught.

"Oh, you're stalking me then." he smirks, looking back at the screen.

"You wish!" you giggle playfully.

Reece taps around on your phone and hands it back to you. You see that he's added his phone number into your contacts as 'Bibby'.

"Really?" you chuckle, confused as to why he couldn't have just put his first name.

"Yep. Now let's go out and get some food. You must be hungry."

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