Forget (B)

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For: bradleyheart 


B L A K E  R I C H A R D S O N

Blake's eyes slowly flutter open, seeing his girl's beautiful eyes stare into his own.

"Good morning!" she smiles, leaning in and giving me a soft peck. Every morning is like this and it's heaven.

"It's a good morning when I wake up next to you." I grin, slinging my leg over her so she can't go anywhere. This earns a groan from her as she swats me lightly around the head.

"I wanted breakfast!" Y/n pouts, crossing her arms while I snuggle into her neck.

"You're not going anywhere. I want to stay here all day." I yawn, pulling her even closer if that's even possible.

"You didn't forget did you?" She asks, one eyebrow raised as I glance at her confusedly.

"Blake!" She groans. What have I done?

"What day is it?" She asks.

"Saturday?" I question, suddenly doubting myself now that the love of my life is mad at me.

"Saturday the..." she trails off, leaving me to realise what an idiot I am.

"8th of July. Shoot! I'll be right back."

I place a quick kiss on her forehead before dashing over to the wardrobe and slipping on some clothes. How could I forget our anniversary?

The walk to the main road of shops doesn't take long. I quickly go into a few of them and get what I need before racing back home as fast as I can.

When I open the door, I see Y/n in the kitchen making breakfast for the two of us. She spins around when she hears the door and sends me a small smile. I know deep down that's she's mad, but she'd never admit it.

I place the bag of things on our bed, and quietly walk into the kitchen with the big bouquet of flowers in my hands.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm an idiot, I know. But I'm going to make today special for you whether you like it or not." I smirk and watch her smell the flowers.

"You got me my favourites. All is forgiven."

I breathe out a sigh of relief, knowing I'm with the most perfect person in the world.

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