Lift (B)

998 37 10


For: no one


You step into the hotel lift, pressing the button for the first floor. The doors close and you go down just one floor before the doors reopen and a brunette walks in, giving you a quick nod before standing in the other corner.

The lift starts going down again, but stops abruptly. The light flickers slightly and you realise what's happened. The lift has broken down.

You reach over and press the little alarm button, praying someone sorts this out quickly. You've always hated lifts but you never thought you'd be in this situation.

A couple of minutes pass and you start to get frustrated. Letting out a sigh, you sit down and put your head in your hands, not caring what the brunette thinks of you at this point.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he sits down next to you, placing his hand on your shoulder for comfort.

You shake your head. "This is literally my worst nightmare."

You weren't lying, confined spaces have always been a phobia of yours. They're fine for a short amount of time, like going from your floor to the ground floor in a lift. You never thought this would happen to you, you hardly ever hear of lifts breaking down.

"I'm sure we'll be out soon. You pressed the alarm button so someone will come to rescue us. Try not to think about it too much." he smiles sympathetically, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze before taking it off to check his phone. Of course, there's no service.

Twenty long minutes pass by. You've been sat in a comfortable silence, neither of you really knowing what to say. The brunette clearly didn't want to say the wrong thing and send you into panic mode, and you were kind of glad about it.

He reaches over and spams the alarm button a few times, probably in hopes someone will actually do something.

"It looks like we might be in here for a bit. Do you want a hug?" he offers as he sees you still panicked in the corner.

You nod, not caring that he's a complete stranger. You needed some sort of comfort right now and you'd take it in any form.

He scoots over to you and places his arms around your shoulders, letting you lean into his chest.

"I'm Blake." he introduces himself.

"Y/n." you mumble, hoping he'll keep talking to somewhat take your mind off what's happening.

"What are you doing in London? I'm guessing you don't live here as you're in a hotel." he observes.

"Seeing some friends." you admit, feeling safe in his arms.

"Ah nice." he smiles, "I'm here with my band to record music. You should come along if you don't have any plans."

You could tell he had pride in his band, the big grin on his face telling you how much it meant to him.

"I'd love that Blake."

You keep on talking about his band, getting to know him a lot better. Before you know it, the doors get pried open and you're finally free.

You walk to the studio with Blake, a smile now apparent that you're out of that awful lift.

"Thank you for keeping me calm in there." you thank him as you walk through the doors.

"No problem." he smirks, leading you through to meet his bandmates, knowing he's started something beautiful.

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