Spider (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: rachael_ellen 


You walk into yours and Reece's shared house after a long day at work, calling out his name so he knows you're home.

There's no reply, just a yelp coming from the living room. Confused, you hang your coat up and slip your shoes off before making your way to where you heard your boyfriend.

Reece is stood on the coffee table, broom in hand as he keeps swatting at the floor.

"What the hell are you doing?" you giggle, causing him to turn around. His face is full of fear as he points at the carpet.

"Spider!" he croaks out. You burst out laughing as you see the eight legged creature is the tiniest thing you've ever seen.

"Reece it's tiny." you chuckle, grabbing a glass and a piece of paper. Once you've caught it and thrown it out the window, Reece climbs off the table and clears his throat.

He stands with a serious look on his face, the complete opposite of the face he had on just moments before. "Don't tell the boys."

"What? That you were scared of a spider?" you snort, pulling him to sit on the sofa with you.

"Promise?" he looks at you sternly. You have to keep your laughter in.

"Promise." you smirk, resting your head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around you.

"I didn't know you were scared of spiders." you press a gentle kiss to Reece's neck and look up at him.

He clenches his jaw and looks straight forwards. "I'm not."

"Then why the hell were you stood on the table with a broom?" you giggle as he pulls you even closer.

"You imagined it." he grins, placing a kiss on the top of you head while you shake your head.

"You're an idiot!"
"I'm your idiot."

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