Run away (R)

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For: no one


You groan out in pain as your dad's hand comes in contact with your cheek again.

"You stupid, worthless girl!" He yells as he hits you yet again.

"I'm going to sleep, you better have the whole place perfect when I wake up." he says through gritted teeth.

You nod, not daring to cry. You can't cry in front of him, not now, not ever.

When you hear his snores from his room, you dash into your own as quietly as you can. You grab your phone, the money you've kept hidden for months and stuff them into your bag.

You quietly run into the kitchen and grab some food, anything you can find will do. You take a bottle of water and stuff it into the bag too.

Looking around at the messy house one more time, you sigh and wave to it, before going out the front door.

You walk down the road, the quiet street after midnight not even effecting you. Nothing is scary to you.

You look at your phone perched in your hand. You toss it up as you walk.

Do you call Reece? If you do he'll make you stay with him and Dad will know where to find you.

You hesitate but call him anyway. You need a comforting voice to reassure you.

"Y/n? It's three in the morning, what's up?" His voice settles you.

"I've done it." you state plainly, knowing that he'll know what it means.

"What? Where are you? You're staying with me." his voice rings through the quiet road.

"I can't Reece! He'll know I'm there." you sigh.

"At least come over, for a few minutes, that's it."

"I don't know..." you trail off.

"Please?" he begs.

"Fine." you shake my head. It's a risk. If Dad wakes up early for some reason he'll know where you've gone.

You find myself on Reece's doorstep anyway. The door swings open and he rushes you in.

Reece pulls you into a hug and lets you sob on his shoulder.

He takes your hand and leads you to his living room. You sit on the sofa and you tell him everything.

"Y/n you have to stay here, please!" Reece pleads, tears also in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Reece, I have to go." you whisper.

You stand up and walk to the door.

"I'm coming with you." he cries.

"No Reece, I have to go by myself. You have a nice family who love you!"

"But they love you too! Please stay, at least tonight."

"I'm sorry Reece, I have to go." you sob. He quickly presses his lips to your own and you stand there with each other for a minute.

"Goodbye Reece."

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