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B L A K E  R I C H A R D S O N



The long VIP line for New Hope Club slowly starts to go inside, leaving you feeling both nervous and excited about the next few hours.

For months, you'd been trying to prepare for meeting the boys, but now the day had actually arrived everything you'd planned on doing had gone out of the window.

"I can see them!" your friend squeals as the three boys come into view. The pair of you are in the middle of the line and have the perfect line of sight to watch the boys meeting all the other fans.

Soon enough, you and your friend were at the front of the line and waiting patiently for your turn to come.

Your friend goes first, practically running into George's arms. He'd always been her favourite and your heart warms as you watch her talk and laugh with him.

The second she's moved along to Reece, you're pushed forwards into George's arms.

"Hey," he smiles into your shoulder, "How are you?"

"I'm great thanks." you grin, passing him your phone so he can take a picture. He takes a few, the pair of you with massive smiles on your faces as you do so.

You talk for a minute more before moving onto Reece. His meeting with you went similar to George's and you almost passed out when you saw Blake watching the two of you. Your friend had clearly finished, leaving him alone on the end. You carry on your conversation with Reece for a little longer, finally taking the step over to Blake.

"Hi." he smirks, pulling you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his middle, resting your chin on his shoulder. The two of you stay like this for a minute, enjoying each other's company.

Eventually, he pulls away and you can't help but pout. Blake sees and chuckles, slinging his arm around you while he takes a few photos. He pulls some faces in a couple to make you laugh, your insides bubbling up with excitement.

"Excited for the show?" Blake asks, creating the most simple of conversations as he doesn't really know what to say.

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to hearing the new songs live." you respond.

The two of you start talking about your favourite song of theirs, but the conversation is cut short when you notice the girl behind you waiting awkwardly between Reece and Blake for you to finish up.

Smiling politely, you start to walk away from Blake and over to where your friend is stood by the stage, but he grabs your wrist to stop you from going away.

"I think you forgot something." he grins, watching as your face turns to pure confusion.


Blake pulls you in for another hug just like the first you shared, a wide grin plastered on his face while he watches you walk away.

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