Pickup Lines (B)

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For: no one


You let out a huff as Blake enters the bedroom. Normally, you'd be over the moon to see your boyfriend, but today you were trying to clean the house and he wouldn't leave you alone. You knew it was only because he wanted to spend some time with you, but the house won't clean itself.

Instead of helping you clean so it's done faster, Blake has opted on following you around the house to annoy you so much that you'd stop and pay him some attention. His attempts, however, weren't working in the slightest.

You were determined to stay headstrong, and it was going pretty well so far. You start sorting through the laundry, getting it into piles so it can be washed, soaking up the silence before Blake breaks it.

"Did you just fart?" his voice asks from behind you.

You stand up and turn around to face him, shock evident on your face. "B what the hell? No!"

"Because you blew me away."

He'd resorted to pickup lines. "Really Blake?"

You roll your eyes and turn your attention back to the dirty clothes on the floor, trying to ignore the fact that Blake had situated himself on the carpet right next to you.

"Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all of my prayers." Blake snorts as he says it.

You choose to ignore him, picking up the whites pile and carrying them to the washing machine.

"I think you dropped something." your boyfriend's voice calls after you. Thinking you dropped a sock or something, you walk towards him.

"What?" you ask when you see him holding nothing.

"My jaw."

"Blake!" you scold him, annoyed at yourself for falling for that one.

"Are you Jamaican? Because Jamaican me crazy."

You march over to him, irritated out of your mind now. "Blake Richardson, you need to stop this foolery right now. Either help me clean so it's done quicker, or leave me to do it in peace."

"Sorry babe." he pouts, pulling you into an apologetic hug. "It's just, you should call the police, because you stole my heart."


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