Unbelievable (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: jels00


You sit between George and Blake, laughing with them over something George had just said. Reece was your boyfriend and ever since he'd introduced you to his best friends, you'd been inseparable.

Reece is sat on the armchair next to the sofa you're situated on with the boys, giving the three of you the most warning glare he could manage. None of you noticed it though; you were too busy caught up laughing over George.

Eventually, Blake notices Reece's cold stare and clears his throat, scooting away a little from you. This catches your attention and you finally see what the problem was. Reece was jealous.

You ignore his childish behaviour and carry on joking around with George. Blake had carefully removed himself from the situation but George hadn't noticed. You hoped he wouldn't, Reece was being unbelievably silly. They were your friends.

"Babe," Reece grabs your attention from your best friend, emphasising the nickname, "we need to go."

You roll your eyes but stand up anyway, giving both George and Blake a hug before saying your goodbyes and following your boyfriend out the door.

"You don't need to be jealous you know." you start when you get into the car that was waiting for you outside the boys' place.

"I'm not." Reece states blandly. You decide to not make a scene, you were in an uber after all and wanted to spare the poor driver from the outburst that was most likely going to happen as soon as you got home.

You thank the driver as you climb out at your house, following Reece up to the front door as he fiddles with the lock.

After taking your shoes and coat off, you decide to make the first move. "They're my friends Reece, you don't ever need to be jealous."

He just walks over to the sofa, sitting down and turning the tele on, completely ignoring what you just said. You hated when he gets like this.

"Unbelievable." you mumble, taking a seat next to him and pressing a reassuring kiss onto his cheek. You feel him soften under your touch and you lean back into your seat, content that you've got him wrapped around your little finger.

"You seem a bit too close sometimes." he admits. This was what you liked, him saying what his problem was rather than bottling it all up.

"We're friends, just like you are with them. Should I start getting jealous when I see you laughing with them?" you smirk, raising an eyebrow and leaning your head on Reece's shoulder.

"Don't be ridiculous." he chuckles, turning his head to place a kiss on your forehead.

"Tell yourself that Bibby."


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