Heart shattered part 2 (G)

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For: The person who asked for a second part


It's been two weeks since you broke up with George. To say you're heartbroken is an understatement. You haven't left the house at all. You've been living out of ice cream tubs and watching shows and movies all day, everyday, to distract yourself.

This morning you decided to pull yourself together; go out and do a bit of shopping. You need more ice cream to carry on being sad over George anyway.

You drive into the city, planning on treating yourself before buying several tubs of ice cream.

Strolling into your favourite clothing store, you spot George and freeze. You both love it in here. You want to avoid him, but it's too late because he turns around and spots me.

You speed walk out of the shop and down the street, hoping he's lost you in the Saturday crowd.

There's a sudden grip on your arm and you're forced to turn and face the man that broke your heart.

"What?" you look at the ground, not wanting to see his face and fall for him again.

"Please give me another chance y/n. I screwed up. God I know I screwed up. But nothing happened between me and that girl. We were both drunk and we left at the same time. I think I would have collapsed if I wasn't leaning on her. She went home and I got into a taxi, went straight to Reece's place. I'm really sorry y/n. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you, not after all the rubbish you've been put through before." he says. You can tell he's telling the truth but you don't want to believe him.

"I don't know George..." you sigh, finding the courage to look up at him, melting into that gaze all over again.

In your heart you know he's telling the truth. You want nothing more than to just leap into arms and forget it all, but you stand there, still unsure of what to do.

George takes hold of your hands. "Please y/n. Let me treat you like the princess you are again."

You sigh, your mind saying 'screw it', and lean up to kiss him.

"I'm taking that as a yes?" George grins, knowing fully well he's won his girl back.

A smile small etches onto your face. "I guess so."

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