Stage fright (G)

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For: jetblackworld


You're backstage with the boys, your head rested on George's shoulder as you two of you are sat on the sofa, watching Blake and Reece mess around before the show.

Today was the biggest show the boys had ever played and you knew they were all so nervous about it. George especially was really feeling the nerves; you could tell from his leg constantly bouncing up and down as he stares into space.

"You're going to be great." you whisper into his ear, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek as he snaps back into reality.

"I'm scared." he frowns, resting his head on top of yours. You take hold of his hand and start fiddling around with his fingers, trying to somehow soften his stage fright.

"I know you are babe. Whatever happens, I'll be at the side of that stage. I'm proud of you no matter what." you admit, noticing that he's gone paler than normal. He really was terrified.

"I'm scared I'll mess up."

Those words make you so sad. George couldn't mess up if he tried. No matter what happens out there today, you were insanely proud of him and you knew the fans would be too.

Joe pokes his head around the dressing room door. "It's go time boys."

George lets out a shaky breath, slowly standing up and walking towards the door. You grab his arm as he's about to leave, making him look you in the eye.

"I love you." you reassure him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before following him down the long hallways.

You wish Blake and Reece good luck and give them each a hug while George slings his guitar over his shoulder.

The lights in the arena go out and the screams that follow are almost deafening. George presses his eyes shut firmly, taking one last deep breath before following the boys onstage.

They play the opening to permission and you watch from the side of the stage as Reece and Blake hype the crowd up. George looks so overwhelmed and even more pale than he did backstage. Your heart aches for the boy, knowing he's struggling out there and not being able to do anything about it.

Blake sings his verse, and just as Reece starts to sing, George shakes his head and runs off the stage, tears streaming down his face as he runs past.

Reece and Blake stand there confused on the stage, but carry on anyway as Joe signals for them to do. One of the crew grabs George's guitar and runs onstage to play in his place.

You run after George to their dressing room, the thumping from the music echoing down the hallways as you go.

When you burst through the door, George is stood leaning against the counter, head in his hands.

"G?" you call out his name calmly, knowing he'll only want to speak to you right now. He peeks through his hands, realising its you and comes rushing over into your arms.

"Oh George." you frown, rubbing his back soothingly up and down while he lets it all out.

Once he's calmed down a little, you guide him over to the sofa and let him snuggle into you.

"I've completely humiliated myself haven't I?" he sniffs while you stroke your hands through his hair.

"No, no! Of course you haven't. It was a big arena George, everyone understands baby."

"The fans." he pouts.

"They'll understand G. The true ones will anyway," you sigh, hearing the door open. Looking up you see Blake and Reece walk in, telling whoever's outside to not come in.

They both take a seat on the sofa and try to comfort their friend.

"You know," Reece starts, "The fans understand George. Please don't be embarrassed."

Blake nods in agreement, "Everything's okay mate. We're just glad you're okay."

When George has cheered up a bit, you all make your way back to the tourbus where you can sit a bit more comfortably, and order a load of food to eat while you watch a movie together.

"Thank you." George whispers into your ear. You shake your head, "There's nothing to be thankful for George. It's what you do when you love someone."


I don't have many requests left so if you want one, please either comment on the first part of this book or private message me! I do have about ten imagines unrequested that are ready to be published so you'll still get content <3

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