Pack your bags (B)

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For: no one


Blake has been on tour for the past few weeks and it's been tough on you. You never spend more than a day apart so when he goes off on tour without you, it's hard.

You: You up? x

You don't expect a reply from him. It's almost one in the morning and he has a show tomorrow but you live in hope, needing to hear his voice. Your phone pings and a smile tugs at your lips.

Blake: Yeah. Can't sleep either? Facetime me x

He doesn't have to ask twice; you've clicked the little facetime icon before you could read the whole of his text.

It rings for a second or two and Blake's face pops up on the screen, causing your smile to widen.

"Hi y/n." he says quietly. You understand that he has to be quiet. After all, he is on a tour bus with a lot of people who are probably all fast asleep right now.

"Hi Blake." you smile sweetly, glad to hear his voice.

"I miss you." you speak, ears starting to tear up at the fact that you can only be together through a screen for the next month and a half. You wanted nothing more than to be able to just hug him.

"Baby, don't cry. I miss you too." he frowns, watching you get upset from his bed.

You sit there in silence, not knowing what to say. You missed him too much and wanted the empty space in your bed to be filled with him.

"I'll talk to Joe in the morning and see if you can come on the rest of tour with us. Hang on for me y/n." he says soothingly.

You nod, forcing a weak smile to reassure him that you were going to be okay. You hoped Joe would let you join them, even if it was just for a week.

"Try to get some sleep babe. I'll stay on until you fall asleep."

"Okay." you smile, watching as Blake settles down in his bunk too, propping his phone up against the wall.

He talks to you for a while until you feel your eyes closing, his following shortly after.

The next morning, you wake up to a text from Blake.

Blake: Pack your bags. You're coming on tour

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