Heart shattered (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: mrsdracofelton


"Really George? Cheating? I didn't think you'd ever stoop so low!" youshout at him. You'd woken up this morning to almost everyone you know sending you the same images of George leaving a club last night clinging onto some other girl's arm.

You cried for a while. You'd been together for well over a year. He'd stood by you through everything.

"I didn't cheat." he says quietly, staring at the floor.

"You didn't cheat? Then why the hell did you tell me you were going to have a lads night in with Blake when you were actually just going out clubbing. I texted Blake this morning George, he hadn't seen you all night. Then you're leaving with some stranger hanging off of you. I can't believe you!" you rant.

"And don't even get me started on the phone call I got from Reece this morning. 'George is smashed off his head mate, do you want me to bring him home?' What were you thinking George? You have me, who not only loves you with her whole heart, but cares about you above anyone in the whole world. My heart shattered when I saw those pictures George. I felt like my heart had been ripped into two pieces!" you shout, tears now rolling down your face.

George couldn't even look at you. You didn't know if it was the shame or denial.

"I was drunk." he spoke at barely a whisper, but too heard it nevertheless.

"Oh for crying out loud George being drunk isn't an excuse. Every time I went out, could barely walk I was that drunk, if some guy ever came up to me I sent him away because I knew I had you. So don't give me that rubbish."

"I'm sorry babe, please let me explain myself." he finally looks up. His pet name used to melt your heart, but now all you feel is betrayal.

Fuming couldn't even start to describe how you were feeling. You'd been cheated on before, you didn't think it would happen with George though. He seemed to sweet, too caring, but you guess that was all just a lie anyway.

"Now," you take a deep breath, "are you going to leave my house or am I? Because I could listen to your stupid excuses all night but I don't want to hear it."

And with that, George hung his head once again, sending you a very weak smile, before walking glumly out of your house and out of your life. You let a final tear fall down your cheek and drip onto the floor.

You'd just lost your world and there was nothing you could do about it.

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