Movie (B)

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For: no one


"Blake! Can we watch a movie?" you call from the kitchen. You've just finished dinner and you think Blake was doing a livestream.

"Of course! The hunger games good?" He says, walking into the kitchen.

"We can watch whatever you want." you smile. Blake comes and takes your hand, leading you into the living room.

He sits down on the sofa, pulling you down with him. Blake pulls you into him, so your head is laying on his chest.

As one arm is wrapped around you, he uses his free hand to grab the remote and find the movie.

Blake turns your head around to face him during the start.

"I love you." he mumbles, pressing your lips together.

"I love you too Blake." you smile, reattaching your lips briefly.

After a while you pull away to have your attention on the movie. Blake keeps tightening his grip on you and leaving soft pecks on your lips every few minutes.

"What's up with you this evening?" you giggle, snuggling into him even more.

"I just love you so much." he breathes.

"Awwh Blake. I love you too, but I want to see Katniss and Peeta." you frown.

"We can be Katniss and Peeta." he laughs, kissing you once again.

"Blake! Seriously." you whine, causing him to chuckle and poke your nose.

"I think we're cuter than Katniss and Peeta."

"Mm." you hum in response.

"I don't want to watch the movie anymore. I just want to be with you." Blake says, his head resting on top of yours.

"This movie was your idea! And you are with me." you laugh, making his smile brighter than before.

"I love your laugh." he kisses the top of your head.

"Blake!" you groan, trying to watch the film.

"Y/n!" He mocks you, causing you to spin around and pin him down on the sofa.

"Blake, I swear I will sit on you if I have to to watch this movie." you say sternly.

"No you won't."

"You wanna bet?"

You keep him pinned down as you sit on top of him. Blake takes your hand and places a soft kiss to it.

"You won't stay there for long." he points out.

"I'm staying here all night." you state, smirking at him.

Blake pulls me down so you're laying on top of him.

"You sure of that? I've got you now." he grins, reaching around you and resting his hands on your back, keeping you down.

"God damn it Blake!" you giggle, trying to turn your head to look at the TV.

"Nope." Blake shakes his head, turning your face around to face his.

He kisses you once again, making you fall for him even more.

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