Brother's best friend (G)

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For: no one


"Is Blake with you at home?" George, your boyfriend asks down the phone.

Blake is your brother, you've had to keep your relationship secret. After all, George is Blake's best friend.

"Nope. He went out with Reece. Shouldn't be here for another couple of hours." you smile.

"Okay, I'm on my way." he says before hanging up.

"Goodbye to you too!" you laugh at your phone.

Soon there's a knock at the front door so you open it and jump into George's arms.

"I missed you." you say into his neck. He chuckles and sets you onto the ground.

"It's only been a day." he laughs.

"A day without you here." you fake frown. He kisses your pout and leads you into your living room.

You let him choose a movie while you make some popcorn.

"Is Star Wars okay?" He calls to you. You laugh and shake your head. George and his Star Wars.

"Of course George." you say, still giggling as you carry the popcorn into the living room.

You plonk down on the sofa next to George, his arms automatically wrapping around your figure.

The movie starts and George hums along to the theme tunes when they come on, making you giggle at him.

You think you hear a car pull up to the house, but shake it off. You live on a main road so there's going to be cars coming past every so often.

"I love you." George mumbles, softly pressing his lips to yours.

"What the hell?" A voice jolts you apart. You look up and see a very angry Blake.

"Blake!" you breathe out.

Of course he'd walk in on you.

"What did I just see? My best friend and my sister? Really y/n? Really George?" He yells, making you both flinch.

"Blake, this is why we didn't tell you." you roll your eyes and take George's hand.

"How long has it been going on?" He questions, seeming not quite as angry.

"About a month." George mutters.

"Speak louder!" Blake snaps.

"About a month!" George shouts, resting his head on your shoulder.

"I need time to think." Blake says before disappearing up to his room.

You and George turn back to the movie, trying not to think about Blake too much.

It finally finishes and George stands.

"I should probably go." he scratches the back of his neck.

"No, don't." Blake appears behind him and places his hand on George's shoulder.

"I was angry in the first place that you kept it from me. But it will be quite cool, getting to hang around with my sister and best friend at the same time I suppose." Blake continues, letting you gasp.

"Blake, are you sure?" you question.

"Definitely!" he sighs and pulls George in for a man hug.

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