Missing you (G)

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For: No one


Awkward. That was one way of putting this situation. You were currently sat in your living room with a guy you met a week ago, making small talk.

Adrian was nice, but he wasn't George. You'd decided to try and get yourself back into the dating game after your split with George, but nothing was working.

"What shows do you watch?" you ask him, hoping to create some conversation and maybe find something you have in common.

"I don't really watch TV." he shrugs. You sigh at his responses. He's not even trying.

"This isn't going to work." You admit, looking down at the carpet that now seems more exciting than anything else going on in this room.

"Thank God you said that. Text me." Adrian chuckles, finally agreeing on something you said, even if it was suggesting that he should leave.

"I won't." you joke, causing another laugh to erupt from Adrian as he walks out of your place.

About an hour goes by and there's a knock on your front door. That's strange, you don't remember having plans with anyone else today. Maybe Adrian left something?

You open the door and stand in shock when you see George on your porch. He was the last person you expected.

"What are you doing here?" you ask, biting your lip nervously as you take in that your ex is at your door.

"I couldn't stop missing you." he admits, leaning against the doorframe.

"Same goes." you smirk, pulling him inside, glad to have him back.


Hi another annoying authors note I'm sorry! Just popping through to say I've just released the first part of a new New Hope Club book which is preference imagines! So basically the same as this but similar for all three of that makes sense? Anyway, go check it out if you want - I'll probably update that more because the imagines are shorter x

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