Football abilities (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: newhopedaisyy


You sit in yours and Reece's living room, binge watching your favourite show with a tub of ice cream resting on your lap.

Reece went out with the boys today to play a bit of football so you decided to have a chill day at home by yourself.

Your phone starts buzzing next to me so you pause your show and look at the screen. Blake? Why is Blake calling you?

"Blake?" you ask, unsure why he's decided to call you out of nowhere, guessing it's a prank call for a video or something.

"You need to come to the hospital y/n, quickly!" he says, real panic in his voice. You can tell it's not a prank.

"Wait what? What's happened?" you question, starting to worry yourself.

"Reece fell over trying to save my goal. My score was amazing y/n I curve-" you quickly cut him off about his goal as that's the least of your worries right now.

"Blake! No offence, I really don't care about your football abilities right now. What the hell happened to my boyfriend?" you say, frustrated as you climb into your car and plonk the phone onto the passenger seat on speakerphone.

"Oh yeah. Well he dove for it and landed really badly and we think he's broken his arm. He's gone in for an X-ray but wants you here as soon as he comes out. He's in a lot of pain. They've given him a few painkillers but he really wants you." Blake rambles on.

"Thanks for telling me Blake. I'm about five minutes away. Is anyone in with him?" you try to stay calm so you don't crash the car and end up even worse than Reece.

"George is in there for moral support. Reece was complaining about that though. Said it wasn't you and he didn't want George, but they were rushing him in so he had to put up with him." Blake explains, making you giggle.

Soon you turn into the hospital car park and curse at yourself for not parking down a close street instead.

"Damn you Bibby parking here costs about a million quid." you exaggerate under your breath.

You walk quickly to the lobby and look around for the tall brunette, spotting him almost straight away. Striding over, you whack him gently on the arm to grab his attention.

"That's for your stupid curve ball!" you chuckle, sitting on the empty seat beside him.

"I deserved that," he laughs, "but seriously, you should've seen it. It was a cracking kick."

You whack him again and giggle to yourself as he flinches.

"Why are you so violent today?" He smirks and leans back in his seat, clearly happy with the company, even if you do keep hitting him.

"You put my boyfriend in hospital!" you grin, leaning back in your chair just as he is.

Down the corridor, you see George walk out of a room closely followed by Reece, who has a bright green cast on his arm.

"Couldn't find a brighter colour?" you chuckle at his poor wrist.

"I broke my wrist, give me a break." he pouts, "Plus, George made me do it. He flirted with the nurse to bribe her into making it this ugly."

He gestures to his friend beside him, who's having to bend over laughing.

You whack George on the arm as you walk past, hand in hand with Reece's good arm.

"Why's she so violent today? Damn." you hear George ask Blake as they trail behind you to your car.

"You're paying for parking Richardson." you say as they climb in the backseats.

"Hey! Not fair." he pouts.

"Was your curve ball that caused this so you can pay for parking. Reece won't be able to play properly for weeks." you grin at the brunette.

Reece laughs from the passenger seat, reaching over and giving you a kiss on the cheek as you pull over to the parking meter.

"Twenty quid? You weren't even here that long." Blake groans, passing you the money as you feed it in.

"Thank you." Reece whispers in your ear as you finally walk into the house after dropping the boys off.

"For what?" you ask, confused as you only really went to pick the fools up.

"Being there." he takes hold of your hand and strokes his thumb over it.

"I'm always here for you Reece. When Blake called me my heart sunk, I thought something really bad happened to you." you place a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Something really bad did happen to me!" Reece pouts, holding up his green wrist.

"Yeah yeah." you smirk, glad he's okay.

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