Birthday Surprise

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"This is the best birthday ever!" George cried tears of joy as they all hugged. "I knew this day would come, I knew it!"

"Fuck, Macca, I love you!" John twirled Paul around as he squealed in delight. "Freedom!"

"Okay, we are NOT recording today! This is just...I don't even know how to explain it! I feel - I feel like we're on top of the world! Happy birthday indeed, George!" Ringo kissed him, ignoring Paul's giggling. "I want to tell the world!"

"What if we do?" George nervously spoke up.

They widened their eyes at him. "What?!"

"I - I mean, if it's not illegal, then why can't we?"

John sighed. "Several reasons. One, we may lose many of our fans. Two, we could be in a lot of danger. And three, nobody will accept it. Nobody."

"Oh, way to be a stick in the mud! Let's wait a while, then let it be known! So what if they are disgusted? We're happy just the way we are, and that's great!"

"Always giving speeches, huh? Let's just go back to bed, we deserve it." John let out a heavy sigh, leading Paul back to his room.

"You lads have fun, we're going to stay wide awake."

"What are we going to do?"

Ringo smiled softly. "I'm going to give you the best gift ever, if that's okay with you. Is it?"

George gave him a quizzical look, then stood up straighter. "You mean...? Really?"

"AOh, I think you know what I mean. If you want to, I don't want to force you into anything. I figured since it's not against the law, maybe we could try? I talked to Paul, and he gave me some pointers."

He laughed. "It's been three years! Of course it's alright with me, I trust you enough."

"That's great! So, top or bottom?"

"Bottom," he answered shyly. "I know you won't hurt me."

"You're right, I won't. Give me a moment." Ringo pulled some lube out of his pocket. "Okay, ready."

"Okay." George tossed his shirt over his head, then hesitated as he placed his hands on the zipper.

"We don't have to," he reminded him.

"No, I got this." He unzipped his trousers, tossing them aside. "O - okay, you should undress too."

"Oh, of course!" Ringo fumbled with his buttons, then stopped when George unbuttoned them instead. "Not as shy anymore?"

"Yeah." George took off his belt, and they were both clad in only their boxers. "Jesus Christ, you're huge!"

"What?" Ringo looked down, noticing the obvious tent. "Oh shit, sorry."

"How big is it?"

"Eight inches?"

"No shit!" George shook his head in disbelief.

"We've all seen each other naked before, silly." Ringo rubbed his head.

"Yeah, but I never really paid attention! Anyways," he tossed his boxers aside, "there."

"I don't know why you're gawking at mine, yours is only a little smaller. No offense."

"None taken." George bit his lip nervously as Ringo towered over him.

"Hey, don't worry." He put a generous amount of lube on his finger, kissing him softly. "Tell me to stop whenever you need me to." He slowly moved down.

"Ah!" He twisted away.

"Did I hurt you?"

"N - no, it's just cold." They both laughed. "Sorry, you can go again."

"Alright." Ringo carefully slid a single finger in, watching him the whole time. "You okay?"

"Yes," George whispered.

"Okay." He added a second finger, making him inhale sharply. "Just tell me when to stop."

"Richie..." He looked him in the eye. "I need you. Now."

"On it." Ringo slowly slid in, eyes widening as the younger man squirmed underneath him.

"Feels uncomfortable, kind of like a burning." George pursed his lips.

"I'm sorry, love." He kissed his cheek softly. "It'll be over soon."

"You can try to move," he nodded.

"Alright." Ringo thrust in and out once, watching his face.

"Again." George dug his nails into his shoulders slightly. "Mmm, Richie. It feels nice."

"Yeah?" He groaned, nodding once. "Feels nice for me too. Shit, you're really tight."

"How does it feel? Describe it," he breathed.

Ringo smirked down at him. "You really want to know? You feel so warm and tight around my cock, baby. I don't think you have any idea how much you turn me on. I've been waiting so long to do this, but no, you just kept teasing me. Why should I even let you come? I could just leave you here, throbbing, all worked up. See how you like it."

"Oh my god," George moaned. "So hot. Don't leave me here."

"Apologize for teasing me." He slowed his thrusting, looking at him expectantly.

"I'm sorry," he whined. "I'm so sorry for teasing you, just please keep going!"

"Good boy," Ringo chuckled. "Want me to go deeper?"

"Yes, god, yes. Oh!" George gasped, jolting like he'd been electrocuted. "R - right there!"

"What, here?" he teased, slamming into him.

"Yes, there! Fuck, Ritchie!" He dug his nails in deeper. "Harder!"

"Glad you're enjoying yourself, love." Ringo covered his mouth, embarrassed to be making noises like that.

"Let me hear you," George crooned. "Let me hear you enjoy yourself, too."

"How can I say no when you put it like that?" He dropped his hands so he could get a good grip on his boyfriend's hips as he went harder, faster, deeper, deeper, deeper. "Oh, fuck! I love you, George!"

"Ah, ah! I love you too, R - Ritchie!" His toes curled against his will as he dropped his head on the pillow. "Oh, please, MORE! DON'T STOP!"

"I'd be mad to!" Ringo suddenly took George's leaking cock in his hand, stroking and pressing down on the tip.

"RICHARD!" George nearly screamed, not expecting such a thing. "RICHARD, I - I'M SO CLOSE!"

"Are you?" he teased, trying to bend down enough to take him in his mouth. It didn't work, so he just stroked harder. "Me too, baby. Can you come for me?"

"YES!" he cried desperately.

"Go ahead." Ringo squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hold out a little longer.

"OH, FUCK! FUCK, FUCK!" George shuddered violently, then came with a shout. He moaned in a sinful way as Ringo released inside of him seconds after.

"OH MY GOD! Okay, okay." He panted, slowly pulling out. "Okay, wow!"

"Yeah, wow." He closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath. "That was bloody amazing!"

"Agreed." Ringo wrapped his arms around George. "Happy birthday, love."

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