Martha, My Dear

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John's blood ran cold. That was Paul's scream, something was terribly wrong.

"JOHN!" he screamed again.

"PAUL!" He raced downstairs, expecting to find him hurt. "WHAT'S WRONG?!"

"I - I - " Paul let out a choked sob, not moving.

"Paulie?" He rubbed his shoulders while petting Martha, who was in his lap. "What's wrong?"

"M - Martha, she's..." He hiccuped, then placed a hand on her.

"No, are you saying -" John looked down, and the Old English Sheepdog wasn't breathing. "No."

"J - Johnny." Paul buried his face in her fur, sobbing. "I - I couldn't save her!"

"Listen to me," he commanded firmly, grabbing his cheeks. "You gave that dog the best life she could've had, don't you say you couldn't save her."

He nodded once, sniffling. "Come on." They both lifted up Martha, carrying her outside onto the grass.

"It's a lovely day, isn't it?" John offered weakly. No response. "Paulie? Talk to me, darling."

"I miss her so much already," Paul whimpered. "You didn't love her like I did."

"I know, honey, I know." He kept rubbing his shoulders, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "She loves you very much, I know it. She'd spring up whenever you'd walk into the room, prick her ears up if someone said your name, and so much more. And she helped me propose, remember?"

"Yeah." He smiled weakly, looking up at him. "You're right."

"It's okay, love," John cooed. Then Paul started to sing.

Martha, my dear
Though I spend my days in conversation
Please, remember me
Martha, my love, don't forget me
Martha, my dear

Hold your head up, you silly girl
Look what you've done
When you find yourself in the thick of it
Help yourself to a little bit
Of what's all around you
Silly girl

Take a good look around you
Take a good look, you're bound to see
That you and me were meant to be
With each other, silly girl

Hold your hand out, you silly girl
See what you've done
When you find yourself in the thick of it
Help yourself to a little bit
Of what's all around you
Silly girl

Martha, my dear
You have always been my inspiration
Please, be good to me
Martha, my love, don't forget me
Martha, my dear

He closed his eyes, a single tear running down his cheek.

"She won't ever forget you," John whispered in his ear. "And we won't ever forget her."

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