Panic Attacks

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A/N: IMPORTANT! If someone you know is having a panic attack, the best thing you can do is follow these steps - have them control their breathing, count to ten, tell them everything is going to be okay, and most there for them! Don't make them feel like they're upset about something stupid, they're not! It may take a few minutes, maybe even longer to get them to calm down. Just do your best and don't leave them.


"That was lovely," Elica said shyly.

"Only the best for you," Julian replied.

"Oh," she whispered. It was only the first date!

Suddenly, there was the sound of an explosion. Maybe fireworks, but they sounded like gunshots.

"Oh!" Elica let out a breathy gasp, then slowly sank to the ground. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't speak.


There was another one, making her breathe heavier. "J - J -" she tried to choke out.

"Shit," he cursed, picking her up gently. He carefully moved her to a bench. "Okay, listen to me. Hey, it's okay. Breathe in, breathe out." She nodded slowly, trying to breathe evenly. "In...and out..." Julian held her hand, carefully stroking her face. "One...two...three..." She held on tighter. "" Her shoulders went slack. "Eight...nine...ten."

They stayed there for ten minutes, then Elica slowly sat up. "I'm - I'm sorry, I just -"

"Hey," he held his hand up, "it's okay."

"Okay." She took Julian's hand, and they proceeded to go back to John and Paul's house. "I just, I have -"

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Alright," she sighed. Even if it was the first time they'd properly met, she knew he was a nice guy.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now