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"Ringo, I'm sorry." Paul pulled him into a loving embrace, rubbing his back. "So sorry."

"It's okay," Ringo sniffed. "I knew it would happen eventually, but..." He rubbed his eyes. "Why George?"

"We're sorry, Rings." John awkwardly patted his head. "Wherever he is, I know he wouldn't like seeing you sad.  Wouldn't you agree?"

"Yeah, he wouldn't," he nodded. "I just wish I could've done more."

"You did all you could." Paul let out a sigh. "We're all gonna miss him very much, but we need to move on with our lives. It sounds cruel, but this is what he would want."

"You're right." Ringo got to his feet, brushing himself off. "Can we have a concert in his honor?" he asked timidly.

"Hell yes!" A wide smile crossed his face. "How about tonight?"

"So soon? But -" Paul began.

"Tonight, and that's final. Get your bass, this is a concert emergency."

"Thank you guys so much!" Ringo took out a pair of drumsticks. "He's going to love it!"

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now