Nowhere Boys

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July 15th, 1958

"What is this, fucking good practice?! I don't think so!" John stormed into the room and ripped the banjo right out of Paul's hands, throwing it to the ground.

"John, it's your mum's!" Pete shouted.

"She's fucking DEAD!" He headbutted him and ran out of the house.

"John!" Paul scrambled to his feet and took off after him. "John!" He caught up with him outside and pushed him back. "You wanna hit me too, eh? Well, go on, then!"

John huffed, then punched him in the mouth as hard as he could. He fell to the ground without making any noise. They stared at each other for a moment. "I - I'm sorry!" He grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"Why couldn't god made me Elvis?" he whined.

"Because he was saving you for John Lennon!" Julia squished his cheeks.

"I'm sorry." John hugged his friend tightly, allowing him to loop his arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." His resolve broke. "I was just getting to know her."

"I know." Paul held him closer.

"She's never coming back!" Tears streamed down his face and hit Paul's suit.

"No." His voice cracked. "No, she's not." They just stood there hugging in the middle of the street.

"Does it get easier?" John raised his head.

"Yes." Paul wiped some of the blood from his mouth. "After a long time, it does get better."

"I'm sorry," he said again.

"It's okay." He managed a small grin. "I'm glad you -"

"I love you, Paul." John touched his face.

"I love you too." Paul hugged him again. "You're me best mate."

"Yeah." He rubbed his back. "Yeah, I am."

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now