Baby Blue

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"You know what I think?" John asked.

"What?" Paul looked up curiously.

"I think blue suits you." He tugged on his Sgt. Pepper outfit.

"Yours suits you, too."

"Eh, not really. I don't like it."

"At least it isn't pink." They both laughed at the thought of Ringo's outfit.

"Poor lad," John sighed.

"I don't think he minds." Paul laid his head in his lap. "Should I shave?"

"Maybe, I'm not used to seeing you without your baby face." He pinched his pale cheek.

"I like the mustache on you." He snuggled against his chest.

"Oh?" John smiled evilly, then buried his face into his neck. "How about now?"

"JOHN!" Paul cried, wiggling in his lap. "Thahahat tickles!"

"What? I thought you liked it." He squeezed his sides gently.

"Nohoho, stohohohop!" He finally pushed him away, running off.

"Oh, it's on now! You can run, but you can't hide!" He began searching the house, ignoring the stares from George and Ringo.

"Wankers," Ringo said finally.

"Says the one wearing pink."

"Shut it, Geo."

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