Jealous Guy

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"Hmph." Paul turned away, trying to ignore John and Yoko. The nerve to break up with him for her.

"He's pouting again," Ringo pointed out to George.

"What does she have that I don't?!" he shouted.

"I don't know, keep your voice down!" George clapped a hand over his mouth, which Paul licked. "Ewwww! Paul, being angry isn't going to solve anything."

"Shut it, Gandhi!"

"Oh god," Ringo sighed. "Bye, Paul." He dragged his slightly-hurt boyfriend away.

"Hmph." He kept watching his ex and his new lover, then recoiled when they kissed. "Ah!" He let out a low growl, then stormed out of the studio. "I don't need him, I'm fine on me own."

At least, that's what he kept telling himself.

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