Play Fighting

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"Beg me."


"Beg me to stop."


"Suffer, then."

"What the hell was that?" Ringo shook George awake. "What are those two doing in there?"

"Kinky stuff, probably," George grumbled. "Let's go look."

"Okay." They tiptoed to the room, then peered through the ajar door. "Oh, they're just playing."


"CUT IT OUT!" Paul shoved at John's face.

"Say uncle." John had him pinned down, an evil smile on his face.


"Alright, I've seen enough." Ringo walked back to the couch, only for a weight to land on top of him. "What the -"

"I want to play, too." George gave him a fanged grin.

"George!" They rolled off the couch in a flurry of limbs, quickly grasping onto each other for dear life. "Why did you think this was a good idea?!"

"I dunno." They finally came to a stop, staring at each other.

"Let me up," Ringo commanded.

"No." George was on top of him, brown eyes shining.

"George," he growled, crawling his fingers up his sides. "Let me up."

"Nohoho!" he giggled, tickling him back.

"Yes!" Ringo retaliated harder, fighting the urge to defend himself. "Give uhuhuhup!"

"Nehehever!" George squealed as a sensitive spot at the bottom of his ribs was tweaked. "RINGO!"

"Yes?" He let out a short yelp as fingers dug into his stomach. "GEORGE!"

"What the hell was that? What are those two doing?" John crawled to his feet.

"Kinky stuff, probably." Paul tilted his head. "Let's go look."

"I'm right behind you." They peered out. "Oh, they're just playing."



"Aw, cute," Paul cooed.

"Yeah, I guess." John pulled him back over. "The game isn't finished yet."

"Oh, yeah?" He tackled him to the ground, gaining the upper hand. "Gotcha!"

"No fair!" He struggled underneath him, all the while laugher rang throughout the house.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now