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"Love you," George murmured.

"Love you too." Ringo held his hand as they walked down the street happily. "Think Elica is alright on her own?"

"Don't worry so much." He ignored all the stares everyone gave them. "She's a big girl."

"You're right," he nodded.

"Look at those two," a girl whispered to her friend. "They're so cute together!"

"See? Some people don't mind at all." George kissed him right there in the middle of the street, earning shocked gasps and screaming.

"Bold." Ringo smiled shyly. "I'm not scared as long as you're here."

"That's one of the cheesiest things I've ever heard!" He smushed his cheeks together.

"You love it." They continued to walk, happy springs in their step.

"Hmm." A man slowly looked down at his rainbow bracelet. "I wonder if..."

A/N: The man at the end was Gilbert Baker, a gay rights activist who designed the pride flag we use to this day. May he rest in peace.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now