First Time, Part 2

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"Hey, John? I'm going to go clean up." Paul was immediately tackled back onto the bed. "What the -"

"Gimmie those five-and-a-half inches," John growled in his ear.

"JOHN!" He squirmed underneath him, blushing. "That's not even the metric system!"

"Now." He palmed his steadily-growing erection. "Let's see if you can come again."

"George and Ringo -"

"They can watch."

"JOHN, WHAT THE HELL?!" Paul pushed his shoulders. "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!"

"It's a little funny," John shrugged.

"Maybe a little," he admitted. "Don't be so demanding, John." He kissed his chest teasingly. "Maybe I shouldn't give you what you want."

"Oh, that's not fair!" he whined.

"Yes it is." Paul began stroking his own length. "Bet you, ah, bet you wish it was you doing this to me."

"Oh, that's it," John growled, tackling him. "You've been a bad boy, Paulie."

"You're gonna punish me now?" He gazed at him through half-lidded eyes.

"Oh, you bet." He grabbed his legs, but was stopped when a smaller hand touched his own. "Paul?"

"I'm scared," Paul confessed.

"Oh." John let go. "I'm sorry, I should've asked if you were ready first."

"John, I want to, really! I'm just..." He bit his lip. "O - okay, I'll do it. Just please be careful."

"You sure?" He stroked his cheek lovingly.

"I'm sure." Paul wrapped his arms around him. "Make me yours."

"You got it." John groped around on the table for the lube, then grabbed it and squeezed some out. "It's all about you tonight, baby."

"Mmm, is that right?" He hummed softly, then mewled a bit when his nipples were licked. "John, stoooooop."

"Okay, hold on." He shoved two fingers in, coaxing a yelp from his lover. "Shit, sorry!"

"It's okay," Paul gasped. "Just get it over with."

"It's okay." John entered with ease, shifting a bit. "Say when."

"Alright." He inhaled and exhaled through his nose, legs shuddering. "Okay, you can move."

"Here we go." He pulled out slightly, then went back in.

"This is okay," Paul said, surprised.

"Does it feel good?" John grunted.

"Yes," he nodded, closing his eyes. "I mean, it's not greaaAAAAAAT!" He picked up the pillow and buried his face in it.

"Oh?" He smirked slightly, not that Paul could see it. "Again? Harder?" He nodded frantically. "On it."

"Mmm!" Paul cried, muffled by the pillow.

"Don't hide your face from me, love."

"G - George and Ringo will hear!"

"So?" Paul just put the pillow over his face again. "Heh, Paulie." John thrust harder and faster, petting Paul's hair. "Come on, love, you can do it."

"JOHN - mmmmph!" He slammed the pillow over his head, screaming out his climax.

"Good boy," John panted, falling on top of him. "So good."

"Ah, yeah," Paul agreed. "We should take a shower."

"Join me?"

"With pleasure."

And of course George and Ringo confronted them the next morning with what they had heard.

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