Have a Martha My Dear, I Am the Walrus, Piggies, and Octopus's Garden Christmas

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"Merry Christmas, lads!" Ringo opened the door to the Lennon-McCartney residence without even knocking.

"I don't see them." George looked around. "Maybe they're Christmas shopping."

"Yeah, it's not fair to break in," Elica pointed out.

"Uncle George! Uncle Ringo! 'Lica!" Zoeii wrapped her arms around all three of them. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to our favorite niece." George rubbed her head.

"I'm your only niece!"

"Where are your parents?" Ringo stepped back.

"Upstairs, they told me to stay out while they were wrapping presents." She puffed out her cheeks. "They don't trust me at all."

"That's fine." All four of them walked upstairs, stopping at John and Paul's room. "Hello?" George knocked lightly. "They aren't coming."

"Wait, what's that?" Zoeii pressed her ear against the door. "I think it's them."

"What's wrong, Zoe?" Elica copied her, putting her ear to the door.

"John!" Paul cried behind the door.

"Is he hurt?" Zoeii asked. Elica backed away, face aflame. "Hello?"

"John, Paul, get out here!" Ringo pounded on the door with a surprising amount of force.

"Eek!" Paul's girly scream echoed throughout the house, then a thud was heard.

"DAMMIT, STARKEY!" John snapped.

"What were they doing?" Zoeii tugged at his arm. "Were they hurt?"

"No, honey. They just..." George struggled to come up with an excuse.

"What the hell is your problem?!" John opened the door, shirtless.

"Merry Christmas!" Elica cheered.

He softened at that. "Merry Christmas to you, too."

"H - hello!" Paul popped his head out, only wearing boxers. "We weren't expecting you!"

"We planned this three weeks ahead," George said flatly.


"We have presents!" Elica set two boxes down in front of them.

"So do we!" Paul gave one each to George and Ringo.

"Open them at the count of three," Zoeii suggested.



"Three!" They all tore the boxes open.

"Oh my gosh!" Paul hugged the sheepdog plushie tightly. "It looks just like Martha."

"Hey, Paul's the walrus, not me!" John stared at the walrus plushie incredulously.

"I love it." George smiled at the pig plushie.

"Oh my god, it's so cute!" Ringo tossed the octopus plushie up and down, squealing in delight. "Octopus!"

"You'd like to be under the sea in its garden, wouldn't you," John joked.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Can I have a pet octopus, dad?" Zoeii tugged on Paul's arm.

"Oh." He glanced at the rest of them. "S - sure, love. Of course you can."

"A+ parenting," Elica whispered. Ringo just giggled.

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