The Kids

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"Yeah, I always liked this one!" Elicia held up her copy of Abbey Road, pointing to Octopus's Garden. "Remember when I sang this?"

"Remember when I sang It's Only Love for Clara?" Zoeii shook her head. "That was scary."

"It can be scary performing in front of people." Zak chuckled a bit. "Especially when you're related to The Beatles."

"Oh, you get used to it." Julian nudged Sean's shoulder. "Right?" He nodded in agreement.

"Why didn't you guys want to go into music?" Dhani asked.

"Music is good, don't get me wrong!" Stella smiled warmly. "My thing is just fashion!"

"Nothing wrong with that. I think it's beautiful that we are all so diverse." Kyoko closed her eyes. "Hey, I know my mom and John kind of ended things on a bad note, but she'd still like to give you her condolences."

"Yeah?" Zoeii bowed her head. "That's nice of her."

"Whatever," Julian muttered.

"We should at least try to be civil about it." Lee folded her hands in her lap. "I'm still processing my father is gone, too."

"Don't talk about him like that," Jason growled. "He was my father too."

Francesca and Gianni shared a look. "Are you pushing ours aside?"

"Nobody is doing anything!"

"Yeah, right!"

"I -"

"SHUT UP!" Elicia shouted. "Why are we all arguing about this?! We were supposed to have a fun day just hanging out together, not comparing losses! Uncle John is gone and so are both of my parents, okay? We don't need to re-establish that!" She gasped, feeling a panic attack. "I'm sorry, I have to go." She got up from her chair and ran in a random direction.

"Thanks," Julian snapped, chasing after her. Beatrice was crying into Zoeii's chest, mumbling unintelligible words as Dhani rubbed her back.

"Well, this turned bad." James pursed his lips.


"Hello, love." Paul smiled weakly at the sight of his daughter-in-law. "How was the meetup?"

Clara shook her head. "Zoeii came back crying her eyes out because they brought up John and Ringo." She traced the pattern of the tablecloth, something floral. It was nice to have something else to focus on for the moment, like nothing was going wrong.

He gasped, biting his lip. "I see." He looked out the window, blinking back his tears. "A month."

"A month? A month what?"

"Since we lost John."

"Really?" Clara raised a hand to place it on his shoulder. She hesitated, then let it fall back to her side. "Has it really been that long?"

"Yes." Paul rubbed his forehead, finally feeling as old as he looked. "Losing Ringo only months before that was hard enough. I miss them so damn much, Clarabella. You have no idea."

"You're right, I don't. I'm so sorry, Paul." She sniffled, wiping her eyes. "They were both bloody fantastic, to put it lightly. I miss them too."

"I know." He slowly walked into another room, staring at the picture framed on the wall.

" He slowly walked into another room, staring at the picture framed on the wall

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"I know."

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