Mary Julia

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"Dad?" Zoeii knocked on the door, Clarabella by her side. "Daddy?"

"Hmm?" Paul came to the door first, then beamed. "Come in, you two!"

"Who's there?" John got up from the couch. "Oh, it's you! Take a seat."

"Thank you, Mr. Lennon-McCartney." Clarabella sat down.

"Hey, what's that?" Paul pointed to the bundle in Zoeii's arms.

"Mary." Zoeii peeled away the red blanket, revealing a tiny baby. "Her name is Mary Julia McCartney."

"Mary?" Paul touched the baby's forehead. "Like me mum?"

"Julia, like mine." John's eyes grew huge. "She's beautiful," he whispered. "And why didn't you tell us you had a daughter?"

"We were busy," Zoeii admitted sheepishly. "It was hard getting a donor."

"Sperm donor?!" Paul gasped. "Wow!"

"Yep." Clarabella rubbed Mary's head. "It took a long time, but it was all worth it in the end."

"Two months." Zoeii cooed at her.

"Mary..." Paul took her gently. "Hi, I'm your grandfather." He laughed quietly. "I feel so old."

"You're not old yet." John played with her tiny hand. "On the contrary, she makes me feel young again."

"Know the directions to the nearest Fountain of Youth, you two?" He pulled at his face. "Me wrinkles have wrinkles."

"Dad, no," Zoeii scolded.

"Can we have our baby back?" Clarabella asked.

"No, she's mine now." John bounced her up and down. "As long as she's here, I keep my youth."

"John, give her back." Paul made a grab for Mary.

"You'll never take me alive!" He ran down the hallway, holding her out like an airplane. She squealed in delight.

"Don't drop her!" Clarabella wailed.

"John!" Paul followed him, shooting the two girls an apologetic look.

"Stop in the name of the law!" Zoeii went next, making her fingers into a gun gesture.

"Out of all the girls I could have chosen," Clarabella sighed, "it had to be her. Wait up, guys!"

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now