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"You tell me that you got- " John and Paul broke out in giggles. "- and your bird can sing
But you don't get me
You don't get me

You say you've seen seven wonders
And your bird is green
But you can't see me
You can't see m -" More giggles.

"Jesus." George facepalmed.

"Idiots." Ringo nodded to him.

"When your bird is broken
Will it bring you down?
You may be awoken
I'll be 'round, I'll be 'rou -" They started giggling again, leaning against each other. "Woohoo!"

"Okay." They were done soon after, leaving George to glare at them. "That sounded amazing. You know, except for the laughter."

"Spoilsport," John chided. He leaned against Paul, giggling harder. "Have some fun!"

"I can't believe how stoned they are." Ringo rubbed his head. "It really was good, though."

"Yeah. Maybe we can release it someday." The watched the couple fall over into a giggling heap on the floor.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now