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"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Elica stumbled backwards, eventually landing on her rear end. "I - I wasn't watching where I was going!"

"It's fine." A handsome young man pulled her up. "I'm Julian."

"John's son," she whispered mostly to herself. "Um, I'm Elica."

"George and Ringo's daughter?" He nodded once. "Yes, I've heard plenty about you."

"Y - you have?" She bit her nails nervously. What if they said bad things?

"Yes, how polite and beautiful you are. And so far, I haven't been able to prove them wrong."

"Oh." Elica's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I see."

"Dad's party is starting, let's go." Julian grabbed her by the arm, leading her out of the room.

"Right, of course." She looked down at her arm.

"Hey, listen." He stopped for a second. "Are you, um, busy later?"

"N - n - no, why?" She began biting her nails again.

"I was thinking maybe if you wanted to, we could go somewhere?" he suggested.

"But you're eighteen and I'm twenty-"

"So what? I don't care, you want to go or not?"

"Y - yes," Elica nodded shyly.

"Good." Julian smiled a bit. "Now come on, they're going to eat the cake without us."


The party was amazing, and everyone had fun. Ringo suddenly pulled Elica aside. "If he hurts you, I will put him so deep underground that god won't be able to find him."

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now