Return, Part 5 (Final)

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John opened his eyes, only seeing white. "Am I dead?" he wondered aloud.

"No, and I'm so glad!" Paul rushed over to his side, looking like he hadn't slept in weeks. "Johnny!"

"Paulie!" He suddenly stopped, gasping. "Can't breathe, can't breathe as well."

"It's okay, honey." He stroked his hair. "You were very lucky, you got away with only a punctured lung."

"What about what's-his-face?"

"Oh, that guy." Paul's face darkened. "Jail again."

"That doesn't make me feel any better," John growled. "He'll keep getting out and coming back, getting out and coming back."

"No, I don't think so. He's going to be there a long time." He smiled at him. "And by long time, I mean the rest of his life."

"Really?" He sat up excitedly.

"Really. He's tried to commit murder three times, so he's not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Three?" John tilted his head.

"Well, yes. He tried to kill me too," Paul explained. "That makes three. Three strikes and you're out!"

He sat there for a long time, then he started laughing. "This is one of the best days of me life!"

"I know!" he squeed, hugging him. "It's finally over for good!"

"Or is it?" John asked cryptically.


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