Switcheroo - Day 5

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In spite of all the danger
In spite of all that may be, ah
I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to
If you'll be true to me, ah

John set down his guitar. "Memories."

"I sure remember that." George smiled fondly. "Simpler times, I miss them."

"So do I." He stroked his hand. "You know, these past few days haven't been that bad."

"You're right." He leaned against his chest. "Not bad at all."


"Look at them," Paul hissed, peering around the corner. "Putting the moves on each other."

"Paul, they're just bonding. Haven't we been doing the same for the past few days?" Ringo squeezed his shoulder.

"I suppose." He smiled a bit. "You're right, I shouldn't have gotten jealous. You're keeping it together so much better than I am."

"Who said I was?" He continued to watch them suspiciously.

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