Switcheroo - Day 4

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"I miss me Johnny."

"I miss me Georgie."

"He hasn't kissed me since your stupid bet started. I hope you're happy." Paul shoved him playfully.

"Not my fault if he leaves you for the incredibly sexy George Harrison," Ringo smirked. "Wait, that doesn't help my case at all."

"You just now realized that?" He put his head in his hands. "What will you do with your winning money?"

"Don't know. What would John do?" He played with a loose thread on his chair.

"Rent a hooker," Paul muttered.

"Don't they cost more than that?" Ringo laughed.

"He's John fucking Lennon, they won't care how much he pays." He shifted a bit. "But he better not."

"You're the one who suggested it," he pointed out. "But who knows, maybe you could join or something."

"I'm hitting the emergency exit on this conversation now, bye." Paul all but ran out of the room.


"Can't you just call off this thing?" George grumbled. "I miss Ringo. And stop trying to cuddle with me!"

"You think I don't miss Paul? And no, Harrison. I started this, and I'm finishing it. John Winston Lennon is NOT a quitter." John stuck his nose in the air. "The fact you ever thought otherwise offends me greatly."

"Apologies for not thinking of you so highly," George snarked.

"You've been taking sass lessons from Paul," he observed. "Also, I do what I want. No escaping."

"I could bite you," he offered. "You might let me go then."

"Your vampire teeth could do some damage, but I'll take that risk." John just pulled him closer.

"Goddammit," George muttered.

"It's not so bad, right? I'm amazing in bed." He gave him his bedroom eyes.

"I'm so done." He slipped out of his grasp and ran off.

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