The Cake Is a Lie

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"John!" Paul giggled as he twirled him around.

"Myyyy beautiful husband," John sang.

"Can we have cake?!" George jumped up and down excitedly.

"Settle down." Ringo patted his shoulder. "Their wedding, their rules."

"Dance with me!" John twirled Paul around again.

"Alright!" Paul threw his arms around his neck with a shy smile. "Hey, stranger."

"Hey, yourself." He kissed him softly. "I missed you so much."

"I know, I did too." He wiped a few tears out of his eyes. "Am I the luckiest man alive or what?"

"I'm luckier, you're the most beautiful human being I've ever met. I'm just a dork with glasses." John ruffled his hair.

"A cute dork."

"Hey, I'm the handsome one, and you're the cute one! It's the rules!"

"There aren't any rules!" Paul scoffed. "Just hard facts!"

"No!" he protested.

"I agree with dad, can we have cake now?" Elica asked.

"Yeah, cake!" Zoeii reached for it with grabby hands.

"YES!" George quickly took a handful out and stuffed it in his mouth.

"DAD!" Elica shrieked.

"George!" Ringo tried to take the cake away from him. "Give it back!" He let out a yell as a huge glob of frosting hit the back of his neck. "Who did that?"

"Ha!" Zoeii stuck out her tongue, ducking as he tried to shove cake in her face. "No, Uncle Ringo!"

"Yes, Uncle Ringo!" he mocked, throwing some at her.

But she ducked, and Julian was hit instead.

"Oh no," Ringo muttered.

"Ringoooo..." the pre-teen growled. "That's it, I'm out of here!" Julian was only there for Paul, anyways.

"What's going on here?" John FINALLY seemed to notice what was happening. "Wait, WHAT?!" He was interrupted with a piece of cake in his face.

"Ha!" Paul started laughing, then sputtered when George threw some at him as well. "HARRISON!"

"It's Harrison-Starkey!" he sassed. He received frosting in his eyes soon after. "Ack!"

"Come on, dad!" Elica inspected her messy hair irritably. "Seriously?"

"Mmm, it's good!" Zoeii licked the frosting off her hand. "Try some, 'Lica!"

"Oh, god." She sighed and left the church.

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