The One Exception

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"Let me get this straight." Julian stopped pacing. "Paul, you're queer?"


"For me dad?"


"How long?"

"Since '63, but we broke up in '68, then we got back together recently."

"Wow." He shook his head. "I just, I can't believe it." He blinked a few times. "So, you don't like birds?"

"I do." Paul placed a hand on his shoulder. "I like birds. You see, the only one I'm queer for is John. He's a special case, yeah?"

"I think I get it." Julian nodded slowly. "But what do you see in him?"

"I see a wonderful man." John smiled back at him, mouthing a quick 'thanks'.

"Well, I don't." He stomped out of the room with a growl. "I'll be in the car, take me back to me mum's."

"Fuck," John muttered.

"He'll come around," Paul assured him. "Now you have a chance to be there for him, so take it."

"I will," he nodded.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now