Meeting, Part 3

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"Watch me, okay?" Paul's fingers danced across the guitar, delicately plucking the strings. John was just mesmerized, trying to figure out how someone had such beautiful hands.


"Okay, got it?" He was pulled out of his thoughts abruptly.

"Uh, yeah!" He laughed nervously, taking the guitar. He remembered nothing.

"Heh, like this." John gasped softly as Paul guided his hands to the strings, then took each of his fingers. "Here, put this one here, and this one over here."

"Y - yeah." His throat felt dry. He swallowed, looking up at him. Their eyes met, and he was paralyzed. Did he always have such gorgeous brown eyes?

"John? You alright?"

Still in a daze, he responded, "yeah, sorry. I just like your eyes." He snapped out of it, figuring he blew it.

"O - oh, really?" Paul twisted around a lock of his hair. "Th - thank you, John." A light blush dusted across his cheeks.

I'm so fucking queer.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now