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"New school." Elica took a deep breath, then stepped inside. "Locker, what was the number? 192? Okay." She approached it slowly, looking around. Students were walking every which way, making her feel anxious. "10, 5, 16." She entered the combination, then pulled the door open. She put her backpack inside, deciding to keep her purse.


"AH!" Elica jumped with a squeal, then whipped around.

"Whoah, easy there!" the girl laughed. "Hi, I'm Lucy Blue." She stuck out her hand.

"E - Elica Harrison-Starkey." She shook it hesitantly.

"Harrison-Starkey? Oh my gosh!" She jumped up and down. "You're George and Ringo's daughter! Oh, I'm a huge fan!"

"R - really?" She stepped back. "I see."

"You have to let me meet them!" She quickly ran down the hallway. "I'll see you later!"

"Okay." Elica turned to her locker to close it, but someone already beat her to it. "What the -"

"Orphan daughter of the queer Beatles, eh?" A tall boy stood next to her. "So, they're gonna turn you into a lesbian?"

"Th - that's not how it works." Anger slowly brewed in her stomach.

"Really? I highly doubt that." He stepped closer. "How's it feel having two disgusting dads?"

"George and Ringo are not disgusting," Elicia growled. "What's wrong with love?"

"Oh, you poor thing." He shook his head. "Look, sweetheart, I don't know where the hell you came from, but here? Queers are disgusting and unnatural, just a bunch of freaks that love taking it up the arse."

"That's not true!" she snapped. "Don't talk about them like that!"

"Or what?" He bent town to her eye level.

"Get out of my face, you jerk!" Elica knocked him back a few steps, surprising even herself.

"You little bitch!" He grabbed her by the arm, nails digging into her skin. She cried out as he began punching her in the face, desperately grasping at the air.

"Put her down, Michael!" Someone grabbed the boy's arm, pulling her away. "Don't do that where someone can see, do it after school! Teach her a lesson then."

"Fine," Michael huffed. "This isn't over." He strode off, leaving her on the floor.


As soon as Elica stepped outside, a strong arm grabbed her. "Get her!"

"Let go of me!" She shrieked as several people pulled her to the ground, then began kicking and punching her. "Let me go, you jerks!"

"No-good queer!"


"Spawn of Satan!"

"Disgusting bitch!"

"Stop it!" She curled into a ball, feeling something inside her snap. "Let go!"

"Shut up!" She received a punch in the nose. This went on for a good five minutes, until someone stomped over.

"HEY, FUCKHEADS!" they yelled. The boys stopped to look.

"What do you want?!" one of them snapped.

"Back off, Clyde!"


"Or what?" He got in her face.

She didn't even flinch. "I'll kick you into next week, you fucking inbred neanderthal bastard."

"Oooooooh!" Michael droned.

"Shut the fuck up, I bet your prick is so tiny that you piss all over your own balls when you sit down on the loo," she snarled. "Get out of here before I shove a mattress up your arses and fuck your deadbeat daddies on them!" She took out a switchblade and pointed it at them.

"Holy shit!" They scattered, leaving the two girls alone.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lucy asked calmly.

"Y - yeah." Elica stumbled to her feet. "Thank you."

"No problem, they're jerks. Need me to walk you home?"

"No, I'm good." She limped away, leaving the other girl to shake her head.

"Hi, Elica!" Ringo called cheerily as the door opened. "How was school?" He looked up briefly, then did a double take. "Oh my god!"

"Hi, Ringo." Elicia raised her hand in greeting, then dropped to the floor, out cold.

"What was that?" George poked his head in. "Elica!" He scooped her up, taking in her bloody and beaten face. "Oh god, oh god!"

"It's our fault, isn't it?" Ringo whispered. "They know she's our daughter."

He ignored him. "Help me move her to the couch." They began cleaning her face, trying not to cry.

"What have we done?"

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now