Return, Part 1

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"Dammit," John cursed, sliding off of Paul. "Stupid phone."

"Hey, don't leave me!" Paul whined as his husband walked out of the room. "We've already started something here, we need to finish it!"

"In a minute, love!" He picked up the phone. "Hello? Oh, Ringo. You've got horrible timing, lad. We - wait, what?" The phone slid out of his hands as he stood there, paralyzed.

"John? Are you okay?" he called.

John fumbled to get the phone, then said a quick "thanks" before hanging up.

"John, what's wrong?" Paul saw his grim expression as soon as he walked back in.

"He's out," he muttered.

"He? Who -" His eyes widened in terror. "No."

"Paulie, it's okay." John crawled back in bed with him, pulling him against his chest. "I won't let that monster go anywhere near you." He looked down at him. "What do you need?"

"Can we just sleep?"

"Of course." He cuddled him the rest of the day, trying to forget what was happening.


"How are you doing?" Ringo asked.

"Horrible." John pointed at Paul.

"Yeah, I get it. How do you sleep at night?"

"We don't."

"I'm not surprised, what with the thought of an almost-murderer that tried to kill your husband on the loose and -"

"Stop that!" George scolded, smacking him upside the head. "That's not helping!"

"Sorry, you two." Ringo rubbed his head. "I didn't mean to scare you guys."

"Too late, Starkey." John hugged a trembling Paul. "Why can't you just keep your gob shut?"

"It's okay, John." Paul removed his face from his chest. "I'm being silly, nothing is going to happen."

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