Return, Part 4

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"Ah!" The closet flew open, and there stood Mark David Chapman. "Finally!" He was wielding a rifle.

"Johnny!" Paul hugged him tight. "I d - don't wanna die!"

"Too bad." The psycho looked at both of them. "You two are going to die." He aimed the rifle at Paul's chest, smirking at the fear radiating off of him.

Recording sessions, concerts, moments of love, fights, peaceful nights, his daughter, weddings, group hugs, they all went through Paul's head as he looked down the barrel.

"John, I love you!" he cried.

"I know." John tensed up as the gun was cocked, then dove in front of him.

"JOHN!" Paul yelled as the gun went off.

"How precious, the hypocrite is protecting his little queer." Mark moved John out of the way to get to Paul, who was sobbing in the corner.

"POLICE!" a deep voice yelled.

"Shit!" He fumbled with the gun, trying to shoot Paul. He missed, and scrambled out of the closet.

"Johnny!" Paul gasped at the bullet hole in his chest. "Please, wake up! Please!"

"GOTCHA!" someone yelled, followed by screaming. "Restrain him!" A man hurried in, looking at the messy room. "Come on out, it's safe."

"Y - you sure?" He poked his head out nervously.

"Yes, I'm sure. Are you alright?"

"N - no," he sniffed, pulling John out.

"Mr. McCartney -"

"If you're going to ask, he isn't taking autographs right now," John wheezed, grinning cheekily. "And neither am I." He closed his eyes, smiling. "Maybe some other time. And it's Lennon-McCartney." Then he blacked out.

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