Law and Order

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"Why'd you do it, you bastard?!" John yelled, echoing throughout the courtroom.

"Mr. Lennon -"

"It's Mr. Lennon-McCartney!"

"Mr. Lennon-McCartney, please calm down," the judge sighed, most likely not paid enough to handle this nonsense. John pouted and sat back down. "The complainant may now stand."

"Thank you, Your Honor." Paul stood up, trying not to appear nervous. "December 8th of last year is when it happened. I did a photo shoot with my husband, and then he went for an interview. After that, I went with him to the recording studio, but not before running into the defendant Mr. Chapman." He closed his eyes and drew in a shuddering breath. "He had John sign something for him, an album. After we left the studio, I saw Mr. Chapman standing outside of our apartment building."

"It's okay," John whispered.

He nodded once, and then continued. "I just felt like something was off about that day, but I now know I was right. Mr. Chapman called out 'Mr. Lennon!', then -"

"No I didn't," Mark interrupted.

"Shut up!" John shouted.

"Be quiet, both of you." The judge rolled his eyes. "You may continue, Mr. McCartney."


"Thank you." Paul looked a little more confident. "I saw him before my husband did, so I pushed him out of the way purely by instinct. I was shot in the right shoulder, my left side, and I had a bullet graze the top of my head. I was put in the back of a police car when it came, and that's the last thing I can remember before I blacked out." He shifted a bit. "Then I woke up in the hospital. Your Honor, I am positive that John was his intended target, but I just don't know why."

"Thank you, Mr. LENNON-McCartney." The judge glared at John before motioning to Mark. "The defendant may now stand."

"Boo!" John yelled, then was immediately hushed by Paul before he could be held for contempt in court.

"Thank you, Your Honor." Mark stood up, staring at him intently. "My motive is clear."

"And what was your motive?"

"He's a hypocrite."

"Excuse me?" John whispered.

"A hypocrite. Imagine all the people living life in peace. Yet you have no room to say such a thing after everything you've done. You've done horrible things," he spat. "Bigger than Jesus?"

"Not this shit again," he groaned.

"That's not a good motive for murder!" Paul cried.

"Okay, maybe The Catcher in the Rye played a part in it," Mark admitted. "And you're both queers, which goes against Christ. If I had it my way..." He trailed off at the sight of his lawyer gesturing for him to stop talking.

"What the fu - "

"Thank you, Mr. Chapman." The judge looked exhausted. "How do you plea?"

"Not guilty!" his lawyer cried. "Not guilty by reason of insanity!"


"Wait, what?" He looked at him with wide eyes.

"I plead guilty, Your Honor. It's what god wants." Mark nodded, sitting back down. John scoffed.

"Mr. Chapman, you have been found guilty of first-degree attempted murder. You shall be incarcerated for fifteen years."

"That's it?!" John snapped.

"Sit. Down." Paul gave him a death glare.

"It's not fair!"

"He didn't kill me, so he won't face a bigger sentence. Let's just get the hell out of here." They left, taking one last look at Mark David Chapman. He winked.

"See you soon," he mouthed.

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