One More Time

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"Julian, please, I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear it." Julian turned away from his father angrily.

"Please listen, son," John begged.

"You're no father of mine," he spat, making his blood run cold. "Paul's treated me better than you ever tried. He's me dad."

"Julian, honey." Paul placed a hand on his shoulder. "I love you, and he loves you, too. Could you give him one more chance?"

"No!" he shouted, making them recoil. "After all these years of him belittling me, calling me worthless, accusing me of trying to trap him in a marriage that he didn't want to be in, he says he's sorry? I don't care! I couldn't possibly care less, dammit! Stay out of me life," he slowly turned around, "John."

"Oh my god." John dropped to his knees. "How could I hurt me own boy so badly?"

"You know what, John?" Paul looked down at him. "I don't blame him for being so angry. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you're a horrible father. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is."

"I know," he groaned.

"You're not a horrible father," Zoeii whispered mostly to herself, peering around the corner.

"I wish I could redo everything, I swear on me life I do. You're right, I'm not your father, I don't deserve to be. You've grown into a beautiful young man, and I don't deserve to even know about it. I'm so, so sorry."

Julian finally faced him, sighing. "Look, just one. One more chance. That's it. Don't you blow"

"Julian." John embraced him tightly. "Welcome back."

"Indeed." Paul and Zoeii joined in on the group hug.

"Big brother," she muttered.

"Big brother?" Julian looked down at her. "I have a little half-brother and a little sister of me own. This is, I don't even know." He shook his head. "I've gained so many things today, and I am so grateful."

"We love you, Julian."

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