Keep Your Hands Off My Baby

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"Hi, Paul!" a girl chirped, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, hello love!" Paul gave her a friendly grin.

"M - may I have an autograph?" she asked shyly, twirling a lock of her hair with her finger.

"Sure! Who shall I make it out to?" He took the album and marker from her.

"A - Anna," she squeaked.

"Ah, pretty name. Anna, you come and ask me, girl..."

John grit his teeth in frustration as the brunette was serenaded by Paul. HIS Paul. Well, not if he could help it.

"Who's your favorite Beatle?" Paul asked.

"Um, you," she whispered.

"Really? Great taste." He gave the album back to her.

"N - not that I don't like the rest of you!" Anna turned towards the rest of them. "Y - you're my second favorite, Ringo!"

"Am I?" He raised an eyebrow.

"And George, you're my third favorite!" She blushed a bit.

"So, I'm your least favorite?" John asked, forcing a tight-lipped smile on his face.

"O - oh, yes. N - not that I have anything against you or anything!" She stepped back a bit. "I - I love you too!"

"Aw, so sweet." John relaxed a bit, patting her head.

"Th - thanks!" She held the album tight. "W - will the rest of you sign it?"

"Of course!" George signed, then passed the marker to Ringo, then to John.

"She's so cute!" Ringo told him.

"N - no I'm not!" Anna covered her face.

"No need to be embarrassed, love." John laughed a bit.

"We'll see you around, sweetheart." Paul leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Oh my god!" she squealed, jumping up and down. "Goodbye, Paul!" She hugged him tightly, then ran down the street screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Alright, let's go, lads," John growled.

"Something wrong, Johnny?" Paul touched his shoulder.

"No," he replied gruffly.



"You two okay?" George looked back worriedly.

"Yeah, go on ahead of us." When they were out of sight, John dragged Paul into a nearby alley.

"Ow! John, what -"

"Mine," he hissed.

"What?" He looked up at him with wide eyes.

"She was touching you," he mumbled. "She doesn't touch what's mine."

"Johnny, are you jealous?" Paul burst into laughter. "You know I love you and only you!"

"Damn right!" John kissed him eagerly, pressing him against the wall.

"Wha?" A little boy peered into the alley, watching them.

"This ain't a show, sweetheart." John made a shooing motion with his hand. "And I don't see you with a ticket."

"Mom?!" he yelled, running off.

"John!" Paul smacked his arm.

A/N: Anna is based on a pre-transition me XD

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