Just Do It

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"Okay." John paced back and forth. "I have to tell him today, there's no better time." He quickly got into his cab, arriving at the studio.

"Johnny!" Paul pulled him into a crushing hug. "Today's going to be amazing!"

"It is." He smiled fondly. That's the Paul I fell in love with. "Excuse me for a moment." He went into another room, smile fading. "I can't do this." He bit his lip. "I'm a married man. He wouldn't appreciate it, even if he liked me back. Wait, what are you saying, Lennon?!" He smacked himself in the head. "You said you were going to do this, so you're going to do this!"

"Hi, John!" Paul waved as he stepped back in.

"Hi, Paul." John's heart raced as George and Ringo walked in. It was time.

"Guys!" Paul wrapped his arms around them. "We did it, our first album! I can't believe it!" Ringo went into another room, leaving George.

"I will celebrate by making a sandwich." He left, leaving John and Paul alone.

Go on, do it. "Hey Paulie, can I tell you something? It's really important, and secret."

"Um, okay. We can go in the closet if you want some privacy," he shrugged. John smirked at the irony, then dragged him off. The door shut, shrouding them in darkness. "John? You there?"

"Yeah. Listen, I've had a lot on me mind lately. Like the band, the record, and you."

"Me?" Paul asked.

High noon, cowboy. Do or die.

"Yes. I came to realize I - I love you." John took a deep breath, slamming his lips against his. A huge weight lifted from his shoulders.

I did it.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now